Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Photo Of Plant Canna And Its Benefits

Canna bulbs are plants that contain a lot of starch. Canna plants can grow wild even without treatment, only this time gravely threatened because many people do not know, rare plant and rarely consume.

Kecombrang Flowers Is Natural Spices For Sundanese Cuisine In Indonesia

Kecombrang flowers, kantan or rombeh in Sundanese, is a natural spice that is often used as a spice for cooking traditional Sundanese people of Indonesia.
It feels like there is a fresh spicy aroma therapy course for those who like. Can be mixed with water spinach stir, mix of vegetables and other vegetables. Kantan or Honje, the fruit can be a good mix for salad.

Picture Elephant Grass For Cattle Feed

Elephant grass is a type of grass for animal feed which is very popular with beef cattle. Elephant grass very easily grown in the garden in a way that is in intercropping with tree planting can be harvested yearly, so we could use the land as effectively as possible.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Small Spruce Tree Pictures

This is a picture of a small spruce tree that lives in tropical climates, generally spruce planted in the yard or garden or city park which functioned as a decoration and as a shade from the sun.

Cassava Tree Image

This is a image of a young cassava tree approximately 1 month old. The leaves are very green and lush because it is grown in a place that fits the tropical hills. Not only the tuber, young cassava leaves much used for vegetables, while cassava leaves that are yellowing (old) used for animal feed.